Getting Started with Exercise
Check out Part 1 before beginning these exercises here!
Knowledge is power – know your limitations. If you have diastasis recti, pelvic floor dysfunction or if you are a new mom, there are exercises you should initially avoid as they put additional strain on the core and prolong healing. Some of these exercises include:
Remember, pain and leaking urine are not normal – especially during exercise. Consult with a specialist if you discover these issues.
Below are some suggested exercises to help encourage better alignment, activate sleepy muscles, and get the body working as a cohesive unit. As these exercises get easier you can perform them in a circuit, completing 2-3 sets. As always, consult with a doctor before beginning an exercise routine.
Diaphragmatic Breathing
As our body makes room for our growing baby, we have a tendency to take shallow breaths causing us to overuse our shoulders and neck. Since the diaphragm affects the pelvic floor, improving our breathing will improve core function.
How to do it:
Lay on your back, knees bent. Put your right hand on your chest and left hand on your belly. On the inhale, focus on expanding your belly into your hand with little movement coming from your chest and shoulders. On the exhale, slowly push all the air out. Repeat for 10+ breaths.
Hip Flexor Stretch
Our alignment changes in pregnancy and worsens as we sit, cuddling our new baby. This stretch encourages better alignment by lengthening the front of the hip which can become shortened. With better alignment will we can improve core function.
How to do it:
Set up with right knee down, left knee up. Hold onto a table if needed to gain balance. Start with a bend in the right hip and begin to squeeze your glute, pushing the right hip forward, under your shoulder. Make sure your glute is squeezed tight and your spine is long and tall. You may reach up and over with your right arm to intensify the stretch.
Glute Bridge
This exercise helps strengthen your glutes which become weakened with too much sitting during the early weeks postpartum.
How to do it:
Lay on your back, knees bent, feet hip distance apart. Begin to squeeze glutes as you push hips up. Pause momentarily, focusing on the tension in the glutes and return to start. Avoid arching your back. Repeat 5-10 times.
Bodyweight Squat
In a good squat we will see a long spine, supportive core, and hip, knee, and ankle flexion. Without realizing it we are already doing these things daily – as we sit down to use the toilet, get into our car or walk up the stairs. Strengthening this movement will improve your body’s ability to function as a whole.
How to do it:
Stand with your heels underneath your hips, toes pointed out slightly. Begin lowering toward a chair or a stack of books, arms reaching out in front of you. Without touching, pause momentarily then push your feet through the ground and stand up tall. Use your breath to guide you; inhale as you lower, exhale coming up. Feel free to make it easier by holding onto a counter/column or harder by removing the chair.
Christine McDowell is a personal trainer in the Annapolis area with a passion for helping her clients move better and get stronger. Contact Christine at
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