Tricks for Beating the Winter Blues

Seasonal Depression is REAL. There is something about the leafless trees, the frigid air and the gray skies that can rip away motivation and tear at positivity. Seasonal Depression is a mood disorder characterized by depression that occurs at the same time every year. For many, this begins during Autumn and continues through the Winter months. Symptoms of Seasonal Depression …

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The Thing Xennial and Millenials Have In Common When It Comes To Postpartum Care

“You’re going to do WHAT with that thing?!?” My mom uttered to me as she realized what exactly was in the cooler in my fridge. “I’m going to have it encapsulated, mom” You see, I took my placenta home with me after the birth of my daughter to have a specialist come to my home to encapsulate it. But, WHY? …

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What is it like being married to a Doula?

This is the question my wife asked me, and she asked me to write something about it.  Well… it took me a while to gather my thoughts in order to properly display the joyful tumult that it is.   My wife has come home after 24 hours on her feet, so ecstatic that she can’t fall asleep.  She has come …

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Community Birth Stories: Finding your inner strength,a single moms story

I’ve been invited to share my son’s birth story, and it is my hope that my unconventional experience as a single mom will be of service to another magical woman out there who is bringing a life into the world under uncertain circumstances. I got pregnant by accident; I am not proud of that obviously, but as I was in …

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Evidence Based Birth: Vitamin K

Here at Annapolis Area Doulas we see a lot of clients who question best birth practices, and we think that’s awesome.  You should absolutely be an informed patient and parent; knowledgeable about current research on pregnancy, birth, newborns, and the maternal post partum period.  But there is so much information out there!  That’s where we come in.  We are passionate …

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