For the vast majority of births in the United States, women trek to their local hospital and stay 1-2 days for an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, or as many as 3-5 after a complicated or Cesarean delivery. Depending on factors such as your health, baby’s health, and your insurance coverage, the absolute minimum stay tends to be 24 hours during which …
TV has us pretty well-trained. We’re going to be at a party or giving an important speech, and then a splash of fluid will appear underneath us. There will be some anxious rushing, spouse tripping and falling, and possibly even some shrieking as we race to the hospital where, only moments later, the doctor will hand us a perfectly …
“I’m having an epidural, so a doula won’t be necessary for me.” Oh, how often we’ve heard this sentiment – and it couldn’t be further from the truth! There are a ton of misconceptions out there about doula support, but one of the biggest and most insidious is the idea that doulas only support unmedicated. “natural” labors. In truth, …
My Baby is Breech: Help! Your pregnancy has gone swimmingly. Other than a little morning sickness and heartburn, you and your baby check out at every appointment and everything is going according to schedule. Until that time at your 36 week appointment when a quick ultrasound reveals that your baby is now in the breech position. Hey now! …
I got pregnant with my first child in January 2015. I sailed through my first 6 months of pregnancy. On June 27 2015 everything changed. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I woke up early to paint the nursery. I was getting everything ready when I got a phone call. It was the kind of phone call you …