Don’t Forget the Most Important Part of Your Birth Plan! Planning for the birth of your baby feels like kind of a big deal. (It is. It’s your child.) Where you’ll give birth, who will be in attendance, what music will be playing – it’s your right and privilege to research and plan and dream and craft the details …
What is the Group B Strep Test? During your research into pregnancy and birth options, or perhaps when talking to friends with babies, you may have heard of getting a Group B Strep test during pregnancy. Now you have questions! What is the GBS test for, how is it done, and what could the results indicate? (And no, it …
Your belly tightens, your breath catches. You’re having contractions…baby day is here! Or is it? For some moms, contractions continue to occur, and even grow longer and stronger, but seemingly without bringing the delivery any closer – even for a few days or more. This often-frustrating scenario is called prodromal labor. What is Prodromal Labor? Prodromal labor, or sometimes …
For the vast majority of births in the United States, women trek to their local hospital and stay 1-2 days for an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, or as many as 3-5 after a complicated or Cesarean delivery. Depending on factors such as your health, baby’s health, and your insurance coverage, the absolute minimum stay tends to be 24 hours during which …
TV has us pretty well-trained. We’re going to be at a party or giving an important speech, and then a splash of fluid will appear underneath us. There will be some anxious rushing, spouse tripping and falling, and possibly even some shrieking as we race to the hospital where, only moments later, the doctor will hand us a perfectly …