When Your Doula is Pregnant Too

There’s just something about having a doula with you for your pregnancy and birthing journey. That supportive, unbiased, compassionate person is always there for you if you have a question or need to talk through some of your worries and fears, and that takes so much of the stress out of the whole experience. Maybe they’ve even been in the …

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What’s the Fuss About Peanut Balls?

If you’ve taken any childbirth classes, toured your local hospitals and birth centers…or talked to any doulas for any length of time, you’ve probably at least heard mention of the so-called magical properties of the peanut ball. This unassuming, smallish, peanut-shaped physical therapy ball couldn’t really be super useful during labor…or could it? So What is a Peanut Ball Anyway? …

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What Will the Dog Think? How to Introduce Your Pets to Your Baby

In many American households, it’s practically unthinkable not to have furry friends who are part of the family. However, when it comes time to add a new sibling of the human variety into the fold, parents are understandably anxious. Will the animal react strangely? Dislike the baby? Or even worse, bite or scratch? Here are some tips on how to …

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Is Hypnobirthing Just for Hippies?

As a Hypnobirthing-friendly doula agency (featuring three Hypnobirthing instructor and several Hypnodoulas!), we have received many questions and comments from Annapolis area parents and providers regarding the practice of Hypnobirthing. “Isn’t that just a woo-woo, anti-science, birthing-in-the-woods thing?” While we can certainly see how the visual of a comedy-show hypnotist combined with a laboring woman could raise a few eyebrows, …

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5 Tips for Moving During Pregnancy

New year, new…house? Moving is already stressful enough as it is, with closing deadlines, packing, cleaning, and all the associated costs. But throw in a new baby arriving soon, and your move can become a whole new level of tense. Here are five tips to help make moving during pregnancy a little easier. Plan Ahead of Time While moving with …

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